Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hello my fellow bloggers, and/or readers! As you may already know I now have an Erin Condren Life Planner! It's been a great change for my life. It has kept me together, and it's made me do my daily/weekly chores I don't usually do. With that being said, I have recently indulged in Washi Tape. I went to Michael (just to look, I might add) and bought $50 worth of Washi Tape. For some people that sounds like a lot, but I feel like it's enough to get me through the rest of the year! I only paid $1 for each roll, maybe less than that for some. I had a coupon AND they were on sale. SO WHY NOT, RIGHT? I rather enjoy using my Washi Tape in my planner. I feel as if it adds an extra touch of me to it. I also like that I can separate my weekend from my week day with it. I use it for putting important bits of paper on the weekly view, like birthday invitations. Some people us the coil clips, but I don't have any, so I just use Washi Tape to stick stuff in there! It works like a charm! Now I will show you my WONDERFUL Washi Tape collection (:

(Please excuse the shaddow, I tried to take this picture so many times without it and it just wouldn't go away!)

There are a few that are not pictured. The reason for that is that they are sparkley and they make a HUGE mess! Which is no fun. So they stay in a plastic baggy in my planner supplies bag, AKA lunch cooler, (lunch cooler? Yes I keep my planner supplies in a lunch cooler right now! Hahaha). Hey, whatever works! Well, that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed my Washi Tape, just as much as I do! Talk to you later (: 


Monday, May 4, 2015

FINALLY feeling like spring (:

Here in New England, it snows in spring.. YES. SNOW IN SPRING. But just recently it's actually been feeling like spring! It has been so nice. Daffodils everywhere. It's been fantastic. A light sweater, and some thin jeans. Perfect weather for bon fires, and sitting in the back yard, soaking up the sun. Which is what I'm doing right now, while I'm typing this blog post (: Now I'll stop talking (or typing) and show you what I'm talking about. 

So there it is. My adorable little family, in the spring weather. I hope everybody is enjoying the beautiful weather! 


Sunday, April 19, 2015

IT'S FINALLY HERE! Erin Condren Unboxing!

YES! It's finally here. My beloved life planner! I'm beyond excited about this wonderful book of paper! Most people are asking "isn't there an app for that?" Why yes, there is, BUT I stick to what I need to do more with this planner. So lets just jump into it!

First impression, THE BOX IS BEAUTIFUL! I mean, just look at it. Who else sends their merchandise in such a pretty box? Nobody that I've ever bought from. I got my planner about a week and a half after I ordered it. I did do the 2-3 day shipping. It was only like $2 more, so why not.

When I opened my lovely beautiful box there were some gift tags in a clear baggy (free, I might add), a $10 off coupon, a project life like card, a sticker, and my order invoice. I kind of just went through all of that because I wanted to see my planner, REALLY BAD! So after I lifted all of the goodies there was some lovely tissue paper just all wrapped around my planner. When I lifted the tissue paper there was also bubble wrap around my planner. It makes me feel good to know that they care about how their merchandise is taken care of when shipped. After I removed the bubble wrap, there it was. I was extremely excited to have it. 

The normal stuff was in it. BUT for anyone who hasn't heard, or seen anything about an Erin Condren Life Planner before, they have a spot in the very front to put who the planner belongs to right under the words "this is my life". I love that it says that instead of "this belongs to". It's so much more fun that way. Then it has the year at a glance page. Which is nice for referencing dates. It has month at a glance pages at the beginning of every month. Then it has the weekly views. I use the weekly views more than anything else. Which is what the planner mainly consists of, DUH Megan. At the back of the planner there is a page with the future years at a glance. In the very back there is a pocket divider. It also came with an important dates book in the pocket divider so you can list the important dates and not have to worry about losing them or transferring them when you get a new planner. Then there is a clear pocket, that has some more gift tags and a couple of paper clips in it. 

This planner is everything I have ever wanted in a planner. It's just wonderful. I have only used it for the remainder of this week because I received it on Wednesday. So far it's been great. Comment below if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to answer any question. Also, if you would like to comment below, or send me an email with you're email address I can send you a link to $10 off your first purchase at If you already have an account or subscribe to her email than the link won't work. I'm not sure why, but it won't. SO I'm sorry to those of you that have an account already. That's actually what happened to me, so I know from experience. But for all of you who don't have an account and don't subscribe to her emails than enjoy! 


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Basket Haul, & Easter Day (:

Hey Everybody! Sorry I've been gone so long, I had to go out of town for my grandfathers funeral, then I had to get caught up on everything around the house including work. It's been a huge deal. So therefor I haven't been able to write any posts, but here I am (: This is just a quick post about what I bought for the baby for her Easter basket. This is her second Easter, the first Easter we had a bit of an overload so this year I def. toned it down some. We also got her Easter dress, which I will show you all, as well.

The first thing that we got for her was a bubble kit. It's a Doc McStuffins bubble kit that we got from Stop & Shop. She is obsessed with the show so I saw it and thought it would be perfect. Along with that we got her Stuffy, and Lamby Ty babies. Justin wanted to make her choose which one she wanted, so I snuck the second one into the kart. He bagged it and everything without noticing. We got her a Doc McStuffins glow stick, YES Doc McStuffins OVERLOAD (: We got he a bunny book, which is kinda like the "Pat the bunny" book, but it isn't called pat the bunny. It still has the part where the bunnies have fur and you pet them. Perfect book for my darling baby girl. We didn't get her a lot of candy. She is getting a chocolate bunny and some pink chick peeps. The peeps that we got her came with a stuffed animal peep, super cute, so that she's getting the "peep" without getting so much candy. To keep the candy on the lower side we got her a bag a blueberry snacks. The last thing that we got her was a small balloon on a stick. My Grandmother got her one for her Birthday and she adored it so we decided to get her one for her basket!
Everything was purchased at Stop and Shop. (:

Her Easter dress is from Gymboree, which surprised even me because they are usually so expensive! So, they were having an everything is $14.99 sale, & I bought shoes (originally $40) a dress (originally $45) and a pair of socks (I don't remember how much they were supposed to be). In the end I only spent $34! Super great!

We had a wonderful Easter & I hope everyone else did too!


Sunday, April 5, 2015


Okay, so I follow quite a few blogs and YouTube Channels, and so many of the people I follow have these Erin Condren Life Planners. I've always been a sucker for a good planner. So I am oh so very pleased to announce that I have FINALLY ordered one. I ordered one for the remainder of 2015. They are 40% off right now. I'm ordering this one now so that I know that I like it enough to get the one I really want. I really need some organization back in my life. SO, with that being said, when I get it I will do a review & an unboxing. I'm super excited about this. Planners are an amazing thing to me. They make me more organized, less stressed, and more successful with my daily to do's and just thing that I need to do that I either just don't end up doing OR I just don't have the time because I didn't plan out my day well enough.

Now, with this planner I'm not going to do the hole sticker thing, at least I don't plan on it.. (: But I will be ordering all kind of stickers and washi tape for my 2016 planner. I'm super excited, hence why I'm writing an ENTIRE post about it... :D If you're interested in a Erin Condren Life Planner, you can just visit her website and take a look. Again ALL of her Life Planners are 40% off right now. The gold and platinum are sold out currently but since the year is half way over I can't imagine anybody wanting to pay $50+ on a planner. (:

That's all for this post guys. Sorry it's kinda short. I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter, and I will finish my Easter post on Thursday!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

What's in my DIAPER BAG??

Many moms keep many things in their diaper bag. Me, I keep so much. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Especially with babies. I actually have two different things I do for outings with my little one. One for when we just go out real quick to the grocery store, or go grab a quick bite. The other is for anything other than quick trips, like going to grandma's house for the holidays. I am going to tell you about BOTH! (:

So for quick trips I have a Vera Bradley Changing Pad  that I just fold a diaper and wipes into and just stick it inside of my over sized purse! It works out great. I usually throw like a toy, and always a binky (even though we are trying to get her off of the binky, will talk about in a later post!). If it's going to be more than an hour I will put in her Contigo water bottle as well. BEST WATER BOTTLE EVER! This system makes it so that i'm not carrying so much when we are only gonna be out for a little bit. This way when we go shopping we don't have our cart already full with personal items, we can actually fit grocery's too, heheh (: 

These long days with the baby are a whole other story. So first, I have the Vera Bradley Baby Backpack. It's super nice to have and the hubby doesn't mind carrying it! I do put things for me and her in diaper bag. One thing that I haven't started putting in her bag until now is a light change of clothes for me. We recently traveled on an airplane and she threw up all over me. She had a change of clothes, I on the other hand did not, so I was covered in baby vomit for 4 more hours.. NOT FUN! Depending on the weather I take a t-shirt & either yoga pants or shorts. I have a small makeup case that has some Tylenol, tampons, chap stick, extra hair ties and bobby pins, and a small deodorant. My Vera Bradley Turn Lock Wallet goes into her diaper bag as well, of course. For her items, we take a diaper for ever hour we will be gone, even though we usually only change her every two hours, you NEVER KNOW! We take wipes, extra binky, teether, a couple of small toys, face wipes, infant fever reducer and pain reliever, a change of clothes for the baby (usually a onesie and baby leggings depending on the weather), snacks, water bottle, disposable spoons, and her taggies (which she can't sleep without, usually a security thing). My daughter is 15 months old now and I did take a lot more when she was younger. I will probably do a post on that later.

Thanks everyone for reading! (: Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Cloth diapering? WHAT?!?! Are you crazy? Frankly, yes I am. BUT It's not because I cloth diaper. "What about all those pins & ugly plastic pants?" Nope, not anymore. No pins. No "plastic pants". Cloth diapering has changed & has become a great way to save money with the little ones. 

Fun Fact!
Did you know that people that use disposable diapers spend on average $2000 a year (just on diapers). Now we all know that have a baby is a large expense, why add to it? Say you have twins, that's $4000 a year. IN JUST DIAPERS! That's a large amount of money. With cloth diapers if you have twins, they can share diapers just like they can share EVERYTHING else. 

How much does it cost to cloth diaper? 
It all depends on you AND your baby. Ask yourself these few questions: How often do you want to do laundry? What is your budget? Do you have a reliable washer & dryer? Are your family & friends willing to use your cloth diapers? If you are on a strict budget cloth diapering can cost as little as $500. & that's for items that can last you until your baby is potty trained. Sounds way better than $2000, doesn't it? 

What are the different kinds of cloth diapers? 
- Prefolds w/ covers
- Pockets
- AIO (all in one)
- Hybrids
Theres many different ways you can do this. My above list is from cheapest option to the most expensive option. I have personally never used the Hybrid cloth diaper. So I really don't know anything about them. As far as Prefolds, Pockets & AIO diapers, some consider me an expert (: 

Prefolds with covers!
This is again the most inexpensive option as far as cloth diapers. The main difference of prefolds with covers & all of our other options is that prefolds with covers have more than one step. I used prefolds for my daughter when she was a newborn. I didn't see the point in spending a large amount of money on diapers she can only wear for a little bit. I got my prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers, the cloth-eez prefolds. They are a little bit pricey as far as prefolds go, but they were well worth it. I did most of my research once I first decided to cloth diaper on YouTube and I decided on these diapers. They worked fantastically. The covers we used were from Diaper Junction which is where I still get all of my cloth diapering supplies. We used the Rumparooz & Flip diaper covers. Which I also got from Diaper Junction. They make them in newborn sizes as well as one size. They also make them with snaps & with a Velcro fastening. I liked the snap fastenings the best because I was worried about the Velcro getting worn out. I do recommend this type of diapering system if you are on a strict budget or if you just don't want to spend the money on cloth diapers. 

Pocket Diapers!
These are my FAVORITE diapers. They are kind of like the covers they just have cloth on the inside that makes a pocket for inserts. The pocket diapers are fantastic because you can mix and match inserts. I put THREE inserts in my daughters diapers at night so we don't have any messes in the morning. There are MANY different kinds of pocket diapers out there but again my favorite is the Rumparooz & Bumgenius. The one thing I do have to say about these diapers is that just because they work for my baby doesn't mean they will work for yours. EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT. I love the double gussets on the Rumparooz. It helps a ton with blow outs. The Bumgenius on the other hand do not have the double gussets. So I use the different diapers for different situations. The Rumparooz are usually my go to for out & about, as where the Bumgenius is my go to for around the house. Another pocket diaper I love is the Kawaii Good Night Heavy Wetter. THis diaper has been a life saver for night time for us. I have had the Kawaii newborn pocket diapers from the same website, which I do not recommend. They just didn't do the job very well. I bought them on black Friday on a very good sale, the only reason I bought them. But again, every baby is different & that diaper might work perfectly for your baby (:

The all in one diaper is a cover with the inserts basically built & sew in. There is no stuffing the diapers after they're dry, you just snap it on the baby. That simple. These diapers are more for convenience than anything else in my opinion. I have only had one kind of AIO diaper. It was a new born diaper. We got them as a gift, & I did absolutely love them. They were the Rumparooz Lil'Joeys. They were a GREAT diaper to have, they even had a snap down for umbilical cord. The only thing I didn't like about them is they stained in the gussets easily, because they were so small. I have not tried any other AIO diaper before. But if you have the money they are nice to have. The only thing I have to complain about the AIO's is that they take longer to dry. Other than that they're great (: 

There is so much more I could tell you about cloth diapering, but I'm going to save that for another post! I will also do a video on my diapers so you can see them. Maybe I'll post some pictures of the munchkin in them as well!

Thanks for reading!
Have a good day (: