Thursday, April 2, 2015

What's in my DIAPER BAG??

Many moms keep many things in their diaper bag. Me, I keep so much. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Especially with babies. I actually have two different things I do for outings with my little one. One for when we just go out real quick to the grocery store, or go grab a quick bite. The other is for anything other than quick trips, like going to grandma's house for the holidays. I am going to tell you about BOTH! (:

So for quick trips I have a Vera Bradley Changing Pad  that I just fold a diaper and wipes into and just stick it inside of my over sized purse! It works out great. I usually throw like a toy, and always a binky (even though we are trying to get her off of the binky, will talk about in a later post!). If it's going to be more than an hour I will put in her Contigo water bottle as well. BEST WATER BOTTLE EVER! This system makes it so that i'm not carrying so much when we are only gonna be out for a little bit. This way when we go shopping we don't have our cart already full with personal items, we can actually fit grocery's too, heheh (: 

These long days with the baby are a whole other story. So first, I have the Vera Bradley Baby Backpack. It's super nice to have and the hubby doesn't mind carrying it! I do put things for me and her in diaper bag. One thing that I haven't started putting in her bag until now is a light change of clothes for me. We recently traveled on an airplane and she threw up all over me. She had a change of clothes, I on the other hand did not, so I was covered in baby vomit for 4 more hours.. NOT FUN! Depending on the weather I take a t-shirt & either yoga pants or shorts. I have a small makeup case that has some Tylenol, tampons, chap stick, extra hair ties and bobby pins, and a small deodorant. My Vera Bradley Turn Lock Wallet goes into her diaper bag as well, of course. For her items, we take a diaper for ever hour we will be gone, even though we usually only change her every two hours, you NEVER KNOW! We take wipes, extra binky, teether, a couple of small toys, face wipes, infant fever reducer and pain reliever, a change of clothes for the baby (usually a onesie and baby leggings depending on the weather), snacks, water bottle, disposable spoons, and her taggies (which she can't sleep without, usually a security thing). My daughter is 15 months old now and I did take a lot more when she was younger. I will probably do a post on that later.

Thanks everyone for reading! (: Have a wonderful week!

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