Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hello my fellow bloggers, and/or readers! As you may already know I now have an Erin Condren Life Planner! It's been a great change for my life. It has kept me together, and it's made me do my daily/weekly chores I don't usually do. With that being said, I have recently indulged in Washi Tape. I went to Michael (just to look, I might add) and bought $50 worth of Washi Tape. For some people that sounds like a lot, but I feel like it's enough to get me through the rest of the year! I only paid $1 for each roll, maybe less than that for some. I had a coupon AND they were on sale. SO WHY NOT, RIGHT? I rather enjoy using my Washi Tape in my planner. I feel as if it adds an extra touch of me to it. I also like that I can separate my weekend from my week day with it. I use it for putting important bits of paper on the weekly view, like birthday invitations. Some people us the coil clips, but I don't have any, so I just use Washi Tape to stick stuff in there! It works like a charm! Now I will show you my WONDERFUL Washi Tape collection (:

(Please excuse the shaddow, I tried to take this picture so many times without it and it just wouldn't go away!)

There are a few that are not pictured. The reason for that is that they are sparkley and they make a HUGE mess! Which is no fun. So they stay in a plastic baggy in my planner supplies bag, AKA lunch cooler, (lunch cooler? Yes I keep my planner supplies in a lunch cooler right now! Hahaha). Hey, whatever works! Well, that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed my Washi Tape, just as much as I do! Talk to you later (: 


Monday, May 4, 2015

FINALLY feeling like spring (:

Here in New England, it snows in spring.. YES. SNOW IN SPRING. But just recently it's actually been feeling like spring! It has been so nice. Daffodils everywhere. It's been fantastic. A light sweater, and some thin jeans. Perfect weather for bon fires, and sitting in the back yard, soaking up the sun. Which is what I'm doing right now, while I'm typing this blog post (: Now I'll stop talking (or typing) and show you what I'm talking about. 

So there it is. My adorable little family, in the spring weather. I hope everybody is enjoying the beautiful weather! 
